Generally all clients come to a coaching session with a topic in mind - usually something that is keeping them stuck, or something they would like more clarity around. Often it involves some action they would like to take or a belief or fear that may be holding them back.
Here are some examples of coaching topics that I have had experience coaching on. While the topic may be similar from client to client, the content and outcome of the sessions are unique to the individual.
Exploring ways to improve communications
Facing fears of conflict and emotional reactions in oneself and others
Finding solutions for dealing with difficult people and situations
Strengthening relationships at work and home
Articulating desires and visions, both personally and professionally
Managing stress and well-being to maximize energy
Sorting through difficult decisions
Experiencing greater fulfillment and success
Dealing with work and life changes
Leading through changes in the organization and in the world
Inspiring greater team performance
Aligning leadership teams
Shifting the corporate culture
Increasing employee engagement throughout the organisation
Identifying development paths, both preparing for and succeeding in new roles
What would make a huge difference in your life if you went to work on it?